Just arrived home with a basket full of greens. I did some special shopping. The shopping itself is not so special but it is for whom it is. I have cabbage white butterfly babies in the garden. Yippee! That sounds more appealing to most people than having caterpillars in the garden. And yet it's the same thing.
Now I saw that they are almost through their food. So I decide to drive to the country store and buy some new food for them, because I love butterflies. But first I ask if the plants are unsprayed, of course. That's not self-evident, you have to pay close attention to that.
There are so few butterflies in my garden this year. Not only with me, even in the wild. So I decided to give them a hand. Instead of letting them die I just give them more food.
In addition to the east Indian cherry, which they have almost finished, they now get cauliflower and broccoli in their eating garden. Enjoy your meal! You are welcome beautiful animals.

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